

the Recombinant SARS-COV-2 Fusion Protein Vaccine LIKANG V-01
In September 2022, the Recombinant SARS-COV-2 Fusion Protein Vaccine LIKANG V-01 developed by Livzon Mabpharm Inc. in collaboration with the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, was proposed by the National Health Commission and approved by the National Medical Products Administration upon demonstration to be included for the emergency use as sequential booster immunization.

Ilaprazole Sodium for Injection
[GenericName]IlaprazoleSodiumforInjection [Ingredient] Theactiveingredientisilaprazolesodium. [Description] Theproductiswhiteoroff-whitelooselumporpowder. [Indication] Pepticulcerhemorrhage [Strength] 10mg(calculatedasC19H18N4O2S) [DosageandAdministration] Intravenousdrip:theinitialdoseis20mg,followedby10mgofinjectioneachtimeforthreeconsecutivedays.Afterthetreatmentcourse,oralmedicationmaybegivenasappropriate. [Contraindication] Theproductiscontraindicatedinpatientsallergictoilaprazole,benzeneandimidazolecompounds,oranyotheringredientsinthisproduct. [Storage] Sealedandstorebelow25℃awayfromlight [ShelfLife]24months

Ilaprazole Enteric-coated Tablets
[Product name]
General name: Ilaprazole Enteric-coated Tablets
Main ingredients: Ilaprazole
Ilaprazole is an enteric-coated tablet and is white or off-white when the coating is removed.
It is indicated for treatment of duodenal ulcer and reflux esophagitis.
5 mg

Fluvoxamine Maleate Tablets
Drug Name
Generic Name: Fluvoxamine Maleate Tablets
Composition Fluvoxamine Maleate
Description: Film-coated tablet, white to almost white after removing the film.
Indication: 1) Depression and related symptomatic diseases.
2) Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD)
Strength: 50 mg
About Livzon
CCTV News reported that Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Fusion Protein Vaccine from Livzon has been vaccinated in multiple regions
Zhuhai News from Zhuhai TV station reported that Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Fusion Protein Vaccine from Livzon has been vaccinated in Zhuhai

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